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COVID-19 Latest Update
two people

In-Person Visitation

Purpose: Adhering to the regulation set forth in section 408.823F.s, in-person visitation which allow a resident to designate a visitor who is a legal representative, a family member or a friend who is an essential caregiver to provide emotional support to help resident’s deal with difficult situations.

Policy: This Policy and procedures are put in place to implement an effective and efficient guideline for resident’s in-person visitation, to ensure that safety is carried out during a pandemic outbreak / transition, to increase resident and their representative or family/friends social bonding, and to help resume normalcy to minimize resident’s feeling of isolation and depression. Resident’s are allowed in-person visitation in these circumstances unless the resident objects. In-person visitation may include but is not limited to: (a) End of Life situation, (b) A resident who was living with family before being admitted to the facility and is struggling with the change of environment and is needing in-person family support, (c) The resident is making one or more major medical decision, (d) a resident who is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a family member or a friend who recently died, (e) A resident who needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver, (f) A resident who use to talk and interacts with others is seldomly speaking. The facility will allow entry to the designated essential caregiver in-person visitation for at least two (2) hours between the hours of 9Am – 9PM daily. Divine care of port Charlotte may make exceptions to the two (2) hours visitation on a case-by-case basis if more time is being requested for the visit, however the exception will be discussed and agreed upon by the facility administrator/designee.


  • The in-person visitation policy and procedure will be available to all resident or their representative.
  • The facility will appoint a designated staff to support infection prevention and control training.
  • The facility will limit the number of visitors allowed in the facility at any given time based on the ability of staff to safely screen and monitor the space to accommodate the essential caregiver visitor.
  • No more than one (1) essential caregiver visitor maybe designated per resident.
  • The facility will designate a location for visitation to include, outdoor space protected from weather elements, and indoor spacing for resident that is in a shared room that is accessible by another resident.
  • All current and new move-in resident and or their representative if applicable will be ask if they would like to identify an essential caregiver.
  • Resident will be allowed to update the essential caregiver record within three (3) business day of the request.
  • All visitor must sign in and out of the log book upon entering and leaving the facility.
  • The facility shall not prohibit essential caregiver visit if the resident to be visited is, quarantined, tested positive, or showing signs or symptoms of a communicable disease to include covid-19. Visit in such circumstances will require a higher level of personal protective equipment (PPE’s).
  • The facility is not required to provide, “facility provided test” e.g., covid-19 test, unless it is based on CDC and FDA guidelines.
  • Essential caregiver must wear personal protective equipment (PPE’s) as per facility infection control policy and procedure and in consistence with the most recent CDC guidance for healthcare workers.
  • The facility will communicate any changes to the essential caregiver visitation policy to the resident and or their representative and the essential caregiver visitor.

Facility visits for essential caregiver upon resident or residents representative request:

  • Resident or their representative will read and sign policy and procedure to acknowledge that the essential caregiver visitor will abide by these policy and procedures.
  • Essential caregiver will complete and comply with training on facility infection prevention and control, to include proper wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE’s), hand washing/sanitizing and social / physical distancing.
  • The essential caregiver visitor must inform the facility if they developed symptoms consistent with a communicable disease within 24-hours of their last visit at the facility.

When an essential care giver visit is schedule:

  • The facility will screen visitor as per facility infection control policy and procedures, and according to the facility’s screening protocols that is being used during a pandemic outbreak and also as per CDC/FDA and state guidance/regulations.
  • The facility will ensure that the essential caregiver visitor adheres to the policy and procedures.
  • The facility will ensure that the essential caregiver visitor has the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE’s) if / when applicable.
  • The essential caregiver visitation maybe restraint or revoke, if they fail to follow the facility’s infection prevention and control requirements.
  • Resident may choose a different essential caregiver visitor in the event the selected caregiver visitation is being restraint or revoked.

Infection prevention and control policy and procedure:

Purpose: To prevent or decrease the exposure to resident and staff of a communicable disease and infection.

Policy to developed and implement infection prevention and control policies to allow resident visitation during a communicable disease outbreak to include but is not limited to, flu or covid-19, and to control or minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection while resident is being visited.


  • Follow facility’s guidance and visitation procedures while visiting.
  • Adhere to visitation schedule time of a minimum of two (2) hours between 9AM – 9PM.
  • Wash / sanitize hands upon entering the facility.
  • Visitors may have to answer health screening questions.
  • Visitors may have their temperature check.
  • Visitors may be ask to wear personal protective equipment (PPE;s), to include but is not limited to face coverings / masks, gloves and gown.
  • visitor may be ask to practice social/physical distancing.
  • Visitors who has any signs or symptoms of a communicable disease to include but is not limited to covid-19, must notify the facility before visiting.